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Exploring the Future of Education
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How Can Health Influence Learning?
Everyone knows an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But can an apple a day lead to better grades too? Well, it might not be quite that simple, but good health and educational achievement are linked. According to data from the 2019 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, school students who had higher test scores…
Feb 23
7 min read
Safer Internet Day
Origin Originally established as an initiative of the EU SafeBorders project in 2004, Safer Internet Day (SID) was taken up by the Insafe network as one of its earliest actions in 2005. Insafe is a European network of Safer Internet Centres (SICs). Every national Centre is focused on online safety, media literacy, and cyber security.…
Feb 23
4 min read
Kami and UDL
What Is UDL? Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a method of teaching and learning that focuses on accommodating the wide variety of learner variability in classrooms. UDL takes into account individual learners’ abilities, as well as any measures that help them to learn more effectively. A teacher working with UDL in mind understands that,…
Jan 23
8 min read
The Three Principles of UDL
Now that you know what UDL is from reading our other blogs, What is UDL and Examples of UDL, you must be itching to implement it into your learning environment. The first thing to remember is that Universal Design for Learning is a broad category. The official Universal Design for Learning guidelines says it encompasses…
Jan 23
6 min read
What is Universal Design for Learning?
Universal Design for Learning, or UDL, is a set of principles that provide teachers with a structure to develop instructions and create a learning environment to meet the diverse individual needs of all learners. It’s not just a matter of following a hunch, either. The variability in students’ learning styles is backed up by peer-reviewed…
Jan 23
7 min read
Examples of UDL
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an approach to teaching aimed at meeting the needs of every student in a classroom. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out our main blog on “What is UDL?”. A UDL-based approach to designing your learning environment has proven benefits for all your learners; not just those…
Jan 23
5 min read
Phonological Awareness vs Phonemic Awareness
Phonological awareness and phonemic awareness — boy, those are long words for something that we expect five-year-olds to be able to master! But don’t panic. The skills are actually a lot simpler than the names. When you are teaching children in pre-K, kindergarten, and first grade, a lot of the focus will be on developing…
Jan 23
5 min read
Changes to State Testing in Texas
STAAR testing and Kami As you’ll know, there’s been some pretty major changes to state testing in Texas. Luckily, Kami has all the question types covered, so students can practice using Kami until they are confident and ready for the test. Check out our tutorial video below or read on to find out more. How…
Jan 23
5 min read
What is Character Education and Why is it Important?
We all know why schools exist; they prepare young people to take the reins of the nation that will one day be theirs. The Department of Education describes it as “fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.” So how can we tell if we, as educators, have done a good job with the young people…
Jan 23
6 min read
Examples of Character Education
You’re well-versed in character education. You’ve devoured Kami’s “What is character education and why is it important?”. If you have a spare couple of minutes, you may even pop over to the Department of Education’s website to read their take on character education. Now you know the “what” you want to know the “how” and…
Jan 23
5 min read
Social and Emotional Learning | Why it matters for your students
What is social-emotional learning? Social and emotional learning (SEL) is all about equipping learners with emotional competencies and behaviors to best cope with potential life challenges. SEL ensures that learners become empowered, resilient, and kind citizens once they leave the comfort of your classroom. A great way to visualize SEL is using the Collaborative for Academic,…
Nov 22
4 min read
Importance of Handwriting in the Modern Classroom | Logitech
The need to flex our writing skills with physical pen and paper is becoming increasingly rare. So, why do we still bother teaching handwriting in schools? Technology gives us interactive, instant letter formation through typing and apps. Isn’t it obvious that the next generation will need even less handwriting practice than we did? If writing…
Oct 22
5 min read