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Exploring the Future of Education
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Forward Focus: The Future is Now
Our vision for the future The Kami office is buzzing now that we can finally share our exciting updates! As your trusted partner in education, we're always looking for ways to enhance your teaching experience and improve student outcomes. On May 2, our CEO, Hengjie Wang, shared our vision for the future and revealed three…
May 24
3 min read

Creating Interactive and Engaging PDF Files with Kami
Have you ever tried to customize a PDF file? Did you find yourself frustrated and overwhelmed? If so, you are not alone. Over the years, PDF files have become known as files that are not editable. Synonymous with frustration, many people, educators especially, struggled with files that were in the PDF document format. The functionality…
Feb 23
7 min read

Turn PDFs into Collaborative Learning Spaces
Picture this: You’re emailed a document that needs your input, but you don’t have a printer. What do you do? You could head to your local library, or go and buy a printer... or, you could simply use Kami! What’s Kami? Kami is so much more than just a PDF editor. The tools in its…
Jan 23
4 min read

The Future of Kami | Product Updates
Kami Connect Speaker Sessions | Hengjie Wang2022 has been another year of constantly adapting to a “new normal”, and it’s been inspiring watching you all still strive for the best possible learning experience through it all. We’ve heard firsthand about how you’re feeling in our Wellbeing Report, and it’s clear that teachers need support now…
Feb 22
11 min read

Get to know: Split and Merge | Kami Tools
Become a pro at using one of our most popular free-to-use tools; Split and Merge! Teachers, you’re busy enough. Let’s forget spending hours at the printer or photocopier, burning through cash and paper supplies, only to do it all again after spotting a typo or missed page. With our super easy, super useful Split and…
Nov 21
3 min read

Whiteboard with Kami
Rethink what your everyday whiteboard can do and find out how your classroom can benefit from virtual whiteboarding with Kami. In your classroom, the whiteboard is always at the center – as something so simple, it can be very easy to forget just how effective it can be with the right tools. We’re talking Kami for Whiteboarding!…
Sep 21
4 min read

Kami in the Classroom
Millions of teachers worldwide are heading back into the classroom with Kami – are you? When remote learning became the norm, Kami swooped into the lives of teachers around the globe, answering the call for a reliable and engaging platform to keep students learning over lockdown. But with the return to traditional classrooms comes the…
Aug 21
4 min read

Free Classroom Resources for NZ Lockdown | Kami Premium Digital Classroom
As a proud Kiwi company, we’re willing and ready to do whatever it takes to make sure all our students stay on track no matter what’s thrown our way. That’s why Kami Premium licenses are, and will always be, free for New Zealand schools. “With all primary to tertiary students learning from home, we want to make…
Aug 21
2 min read

What is Kami?
Bring learning to life with a little Kami magic. Kami is built for teachers by teachers. We’ve come this far thanks to the insightful comments, honest feedback, and endless support from our Kami community. “If you aren’t using Kami with your students right now you need to get it ASAP. Kami has been completely life-changing for…
Jul 21
4 min read

Kami: A STEM-tastic Tool!
Kami Connect Speaker Sessions | Lilly Jensby I’m a firm believer in encouraging students to develop a sustained interest in STEM fields from an early age. So we’re going to take a look into how Kami can enhance the learning experience for students, particularly in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and math! Our goal…
Jul 21
5 min read

Access, Engage, and Express with Kami!
What a year it has been! School buildings shut down amid a global pandemic, which forced educators to quickly pivot to flexible learning environments, curriculum, materials, and assessments. Online learning became a reality for schools across the globe. The inequities of providing meaningful access to the internet, to technology, to curriculum shone a necessary light…
Jun 21
4 min read

Kami and our commitment to privacy
On May 25, 2018, the European Union began enforcing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), in an effort to strengthen the security and protection of the personal data of EU residents. In 2020, the EU invalidated the EU-US PrivacyShield as a means of providing the ‘Appropriate Safeguards’ that are prescribed by the GDPR. Kami is…
May 21
5 min read
Discover game-changing templates in the Kami library!
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