
This activity focuses on the comment and drawing tool by exploring how to change color, transparency and thickness with the drawing tool; create text, voice and video comments, and more. 

Activity Description

You can start by demonstrating the activity with your students, as they follow along to complete the tasks. Or, you could show your students the activity first, then let them complete it on their own or in partners. 

Page One:

There are three tasks that prompt students to create a certain type of drawing.

Page Two:

This includes a fun way to experiment with the tools by recreating the doodles on the page. 

This gives students an opportunity to talk about how to change color, transparency and thickness. It’s totally fine if students don’t match the doodle exactly; the goal is for students to understand the different formatting options for drawing!

Page Three:

Students will be asked to create one example of each type of comment and place the colored dot in the allocated space next to each task.

The prompts are there so that students don’t have to worry about what to comment, but instead, focus on the action of making each comment – although the option is there to get creative! 

The last comment, Screen Capture, connects what was previously learned in the drawing tool section. 

Page Four:

A fun one to finish! Here, students will find a “Color by Number” activity for the screen capture task.