8 Editable Meet the Teacher Templates

Modified: Nov 24
5 min read
Yellow background with 3 different icons


Introduce yourself in style with Kami’s Back-to-school Meet the Teacher templates!

New terms, new school years, and Meet the Teacher event nights (like an Open House) all give you the chance to introduce yourself to new students (and their parents!) and welcome back those returning. Or, if you’re the new teacher on the block, you might need a quick way to share a little something about yourself.

So why not get the best start possible on your first day of school with our latest free resource: editable Meet the Teacher templates!

These templates come with everything you need to put yourself on the page in a fun and creative way – plus, we’ve included blank templates for those who might want to get more creative (keep scrolling for some thought-starters 💭).

Meet the Teacher templates

Choose from a range of pre-filled templates, or get creative with the blank options!

Download yours below, or visit the Kami Library for more teaching templates just like these!

Find all these and more in the Kami Library

What’s featured:
  • Name tag: Add your name, how you’d like to be addressed, or even your preferred pronouns. Here, we also included a little space for you to drop a voice comment to help students with pronunciation!
  • Welcome intro: This can be where you add a warm welcome to everyone in your class, and let them know what they can expect for the new school year ahead.
  • A picture frame: Put a picture of yourself in this space so students can get to know your face and easily spot you on their first day of school.
  • About you: This is where you can have some fun! You can give a general intro, or list a few things you love: hobbies, interests, or favorites! Or, add some fascinating facts about yourself (hint: you could gamify this by turning it into Two Facts and a Fib).
  • Added bonus: Put your personality out there by adding a quirky thought like, “If I were an animal, I’d be a…” Or, “If I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life, it would be…”
  • Your education: It might be that you went to the school you’re now teaching at, or you can use this space to give parents a little more info.
  • Contact details: Here you can add any contact details you’re comfortable including. Otherwise, you can opt for one of our blank pages that doesn’t include this section.
Virtual Meets

Having a Meet the Teacher template up your sleeve can be super useful for distance learning or if you’re doing a virtual Meet the Teacher night, too. They can be the perfect ice breakers when kicking off your video call or free meet, or something to send out to students at the end.

These one-pagers are all editable and customizable Kami documents, so you can easily use Kami tools like video and voice recording to really bring them to life. No more fussing around with Google Slides or PowerPoint presentations. And because you can instantly share them via Kami, you don’t have to worry about having printable versions either!

Create your own

Here are a few thought-starters you can use to fill in the blank templates:

  • Favorites: Color, movie, food, dessert, book, drink, TV show, animal, song, or sport
  • School favorites: Subject, lunch, recess activity, or working style
  • About you: Your birthday, star sign, pets, or hobbies
  • Why you teach: Add your favorite thing about being a school teacher
  • This or That: Put together a list where you can circle or highlight your favorites e.g.  Salty or sweet, pancakes or waffles, movies or books, etc.
  • Custom statements: “If I had $1000 I would spend it at…” “The top five things on my Christmas wishlist are…” “If I could change one thing about middle school/high school, it would be…”
  • Important reminders: Like Open House, virtual meets, or their first day of school details
  • Links: Include any links to introductory videos or school letters to share before the beginning of the school year, or any additional parent communication necessary.

Once you’ve personalized and shared your editable Meet the Teacher letter, bring it to school where you can pin them up as classroom decor, or as a reminder on your bulletin board!

More free resources!

We’re always thinking of new freebies to help you with everyday classroom management, lesson plans, student engagement, and more!
Check out our editable Back-to-school Seating Charts, or our awesome classroom resources to get started.

Thought up a free resource or teacher template you need in your life? Let us know – we’re always wanting to make sure our Kami-ly has the best of the best, so don’t be afraid to get in touch with your ideas at support@kamiapp.com.

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