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Blog_Digital Citizenship for Kids

Digital Citizenship Read Along

This blog is for you and your students to read together. It covers the basics of digital citizenship and why it matters.   So what is digital citizenship? Digital citizenship is all about understanding how to act responsibly online. You might have noticed, you've got the whole world available at a click! And with this…
Sep 23
3 min read
Halloween Activi-treats!

Halloween Activi-treats!

Have so much fun it’s scary with these Kami classroom resources! If you’re looking for insight on the origins of Halloween, including why we carve pumpkins and go trick-or-treating, check out our Halloween in the Classroom blog. It also includes some spook-tacular learning opportunities for the elementary, middle-school, and high-school classroom. This blog is all about introducing…
Sep 23
2 min read
Halloween Classroom Party

Halloween in the Classroom

The origins of Halloween Before we look at some of the ways you can have fun celebrating Halloween in your classroom, let’s discover the origins of Halloween and how it came to be such an exciting evening in the calendar. Halloween is one of the United States’ most loved celebrations (roughly 70% of Americans join in the Halloween…
Sep 23
5 min read
Hispanic Heritage Month Interactive Activities

Interactive Activities to Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

Buscas esto en espaňol, lo puedes encontra aqui. National Hispanic Heritage Month is upon us and you’re probably here searching for a way you can celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. The good news is, you’ve already started! Odds are, there’s already a lot more Hispanic culture around you than you realized. Hispanic Americans make up nearly one-fifth…
Aug 23
4 min read
Celebrando la Herencia Hispana

Celebrando la Herencia Hispana

Looking for this in English? Check it out here. Cada año, del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre, reconocemos y celebramos los logros y contribuciones de los hispanos en todo el mundo. La Bandera Oficial del Pueblo Hispano (código abierto) Para este blog, hemos seleccionado cinco personas hispanas inspiradoras para cada una de nuestras…
Jul 23
12 min read
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage

Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month

Buscas esto en espaňol, lo puedes encontra aqui. Each year, from September 15 to October 15, we recognize and celebrate the achievements and contributions of Hispanic people around the world. The Official Flag of the Hispanic People (open Source) For this blog, we’ve picked five inspirational Hispanic people for each of our eight categories to…
Jul 23
11 min read
Pride Month Activities for Students with the Kami Dog in the right hand corner

Pride Month Activities for Students

Why is LGBTQIA+ Pride Month important? Throughout history, members of the LGBTQ+ community have faced discrimination and persecution and have struggled for their basic human rights to be recognized. Although the situation is gradually improving across more liberal parts of the world, bigotry, and misinformation are still rampant. This is evidenced by the sad fact…
Jun 23
5 min read
Chat GPT in a text box with an exclamation point

ChatGPT and Academic Cheating: Cause for Concern?

This blog is all about how students might misuse ChatGPT to do their work for them. If you’d like to find out what ChatGPT can do for teachers, check out our How to Use ChatGPT in Classrooms blog. Right, back to the students. Understandably, the appearance of an AI program that can write entire essays…
May 23
7 min read
How to use Chat GPT for your own schedule

ChatGPT: A Time Management Tool

You’ve read what ChatGPT is, how to use it in the classroom, and whether you should be concerned about academic cheating. You’ve come this far, why not stick around for one last blog? Five minutes now could save hours in the future.  We want to help you get the most out of your hours, so…
May 23
4 min read
How to use ChatGPT in Classrooms

How to Use ChatGPT in Classrooms

ChatGPT has captured the imaginations of many and, unsurprisingly, generated excitement and fear in equal measure. But as well as being a hot topic, it can also be an incredibly powerful tool. With a small introduction (like this blog) you can learn to get the most out of what AI programs like ChatGPT can offer.…
May 23
7 min read
Dark green background with two speech bubbles - one with a yellow bubble with ellipses in orange and the other with a green bubble that has a question mark inside

What is ChatGPT and How Can It Be Useful?

If you already know more about ChatGPT than an advanced AI chatbot , you may want to jump straight to our other ChatGPT blogs: How to Use ChatGPT in the Classroom, ChatGPT and Academic Cheating: A Cause for Concern, and ChatGPT: A Time Management Tool. If not, stick around and find out more about this…
May 23
6 min read
Classroom Management Strategies for High School

Classroom Management Strategies for High School

Alongside academic achievements, high school should set students up for more independent study at college or university, or to find employment. So, classroom management strategies for high school classes need to allow room for independence, self-management, and keeping order. For high school teachers, it’s a delicate balance between developing their students’ independence and ensuring that…
May 23
4 min read
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