Seasonal for English Language Arts in 7th grade
Black History Month Biography
Learn about Black History Month by researching about a remarkable historical figure! Choose someone who inspires you and use this worksheet to research their life and impact on the world.
Biography Worksheet
Choose someone who inspires you and use this worksheet to research their life and impact on the world.
Ramadan Reading Comprehension Worksheet
Enhance understanding & appreciation of Ramadan by reading & reflecting on its teachings. Improves reading skills & knowledge.
Spanish Vocabulary Sheet | Blue
Practice your Spanish vocabulary with this worksheet.
Black History Month Resource Pack
Our Black History Month resource pack includes reading comprehension, timelines, research sheets, and more to learn about and celebrate Black history.
Black History Month Reading Comprehension | UK English
Explore history with our UK English, Black History Month worksheet written with an international focus.
Windrush Reading Comprehension | UK English
This UK English Windrush Generation resource provides an engaging and informative exploration of the history and impact of Caribbean migrants to the UK from 1948 onwards. It is designed to develop critical thinking and contextual awareness.
South African History Reading Comprehension | UK English
Our Black History Month resource pack includes reading comprehension, timelines, research sheets, and more to learn about and celebrate Black history.
Black History Month Influential Figures
Research and learn about four inspiring figures in sports, literature, art, and music. Share what you've learned with your classmates.
Read Across America Day Resource Pack
Explore reading with engaging activities! From book reviews to story sequencing, compare books to movies and more in this fun resource pack!
Black History Month Essay
Our Black History Month essay template guides you to organize your thoughts and ideas with a clear intro, body, and conclusion.
Black History Month Essay | UK English
Our UK English Black History Month essay template helps you organise your thoughts and ideas with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.
Mother's Day Writing Template
Let your students give their mother something to be thankful for this year with a letter filled with love, gratitude, and appreciation that she can save in a keepsake scrapbook or put on the fridge.
This blank writing template with colorful flowers makes it easy to add words and photos for each student to personalize and make their own.
Black History Month Biographies | UK English
Learn about Black History with our UK English Biography Worksheets. Inspire students to explore and honor the achievements of influential figures.
Black History Month Influential Figures | Blue
Research and learn about four inspiring figures in sports, literature, art, and music. Share what you've learned with your classmates.
Cinco de Mayo Research Worksheet
Celebrate Cinco de Mayo by completing this research worksheet!