Activities for Social Studies in 8th grade
Blank Continents Map
A map of each continent is a valuable resource for students to learn geography.
Interactive World Map
Embark on a global adventure with our interactive world map. Explore, connect, and discover by placing pins and sharing interesting facts about yourself or locations. Let the exploration begin!
World Map | Matching Activity
A map of each continent is a valuable resource for students to learn geography.
Building a Grid Template
Use the Grid Method to create a student-centered, competency-based framework for any subject.
World Map | Puzzle Pieces
Piece together the world with our interactive Puzzle World Map activity!
World Map Worksheet
Explore the world with our World Map Worksheet! Label continents, oceans, and countries to build your geography skills.
Circles of Support
A Circle of Support template is a tool used to document the people and resources in your network who provide support and encouragement.
Blank Europe Map
A map of each continent is a valuable resource for students to learn geography.
World Map Activity
Piece together the world with our interactive Puzzle World Map activity!
Hispanic Heritage Month Wordsearch
Whether it's for your history class or a simple brain break, your students will love this Hispanic Heritage Month Wordsearch. Looking for something to challenge your students vocabulary? Then this is the perfect choice!
Blank North America Map
A map of each continent is a valuable resource for students to learn geography.
Project Based Learning | Progress Assessment Tool
Rubrics are a must have when doing Project-based learning, but a Progress Assessment Tool can really place the experience in the hands of the students. While digging deeper into an Umbrella Question (driving question), students can write their own learning targets by a teacher giving them standards.
Steve Martinez has used this method to align the content standards, literacy, standards, CTE standards, or general skills that he wanted students to work on. Students write learning targets that will be used throughout the PBL unit, document how each learning target will be hit or mastered, and then have a column for feedback and reflection (self-reflection, peer-to-peer reflection, and/or teacher to student feedback).
Feel free to use as many or as little learning targets for the PBL unit of your choice. Steve would use this document to conference with students 1:1 or in small groups through the duration of a PBL unit. This document was inspired by the work of Ross Cooper and Erin Murphy.
Project Based Learning | Supporting Questions
Unleash the power of student inquiry by providing a BIG umbrella question (driving question) for students to tackle for the duration of a Project-based learning (PBL) unit.
What kind of BIG questions or wicked problems can you give your students? Insert yours for students and have them create their own supporting questions to better understand the Umbrella Questions, or supporting questions they must ask to begin to address or solve the Umbrella question. Students then can use their own inquiry to find truth for their own questions. Students can exercise research skills, interview professionals, listen to podcasts, or read literature to answer their questions.
This template provides an opportunity for students to document citations. Steve Martinez would use this as the first step of a PBL unit with his students. This document was inspired by the work of Ross Cooper and Erin Murphy.
Blank Asia Map
A map of each continent is a valuable resource for students to learn geography.
Blank Africa Map
A map of each continent is a valuable resource for students to learn geography.
Circles of Support | Orange
A Circle of Support template is a tool used to document the people and resources in your network who provide support and encouragement.