Diamante Poem Activity


Discover diamante poems with your students using this Diamante Poem template!

A diamante poem is an unrhymed seven-line poem. The beginning and ending lines are the shortest, while the lines in the middle are longer, making a diamond shape.

The diamante is a form of writing that reviews words and concepts. Content vocabulary words are a great starting place

For example,

Antonym/Synonym Diamante

Line 1: Write a noun

Line 2: Write two adjectives that describe the noun in line 1

Line 3: Write three verbs that describe the noun in line 1

Line 4: Write a four nouns that go with both nouns in line 1 and 7

Line 5: Write three verbs that describe the noun in line 7

Line 6: Write two adjectives that describe the noun in line 7

Line 7: Write an antonym/synonym for the noun in line 1

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Diamante Poem Activity

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Discover diamante poems with your students using this Diamante Poem template!

A diamante poem is an unrhymed seven-line poem. The beginning and ending lines are the shortest, while the lines in the middle are longer, making a diamond shape.

The diamante is a form of writing that reviews words and concepts. Content vocabulary words are a great starting place

For example,

Antonym/Synonym Diamante

Line 1: Write a noun

Line 2: Write two adjectives that describe the noun in line 1

Line 3: Write three verbs that describe the noun in line 1

Line 4: Write a four nouns that go with both nouns in line 1 and 7

Line 5: Write three verbs that describe the noun in line 7

Line 6: Write two adjectives that describe the noun in line 7

Line 7: Write an antonym/synonym for the noun in line 1

Terms of use apply.

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English Language Arts




4th, 5th, 6th, 7th


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