Featured Templates
History Timeline | Purple Blank
This history timeline features a purple design and can be used as a reference for students or teachers. You can fill in the blank boxes with your own ideas, thoughts, or pictures to create your own timeline.
Newspaper Template
Introduce your students to the world of journalism with this newspaper template. It can be used as a starting point for writing about current events or for publishing their own articles.
Alphabet Tiles and Words
Interactive alphabet tiles and words you can move around—perfect for teaching and learning! Easily arrange for engaging lessons and fun activities.
Motivational Quotes Pack
Ignite your classroom energy with our Motivational Posters Pack! Filled with inspiring messages and vibrant designs, these posters will encourage and uplift students throughout the school year.
Trending Templates
Cornell Notes | Lined
Simple, practical, and easy to use - our Cornell Notes Lined template is going to help your students take their notes to the next level. Students often find it difficult to visualize structure while they are writing, so we have made this lined template available that includes a vertical line down the left side of the page. This allows your students to write their notes in conventional order and review their structure of them at any time.
Digital Notebook
Use a digital notebook to provide a one-stop-shop for your teaching content!
Assigning digital notebooks also gives students the ability to receive support regardless of whether they're physically in the classroom or learning remotely. Plus, with Kami's accessibility features that assist with all types of basic annotations, you can give even more tangible explanations as students seek clear answers from a distance.
Try out teaching and learning with our colorful Digital Notebook template today!
Wanted Poster Template
Create an eye-catching and effective wanted poster with our template.
Hamburger Writing Template
Our hamburger essay template guides you to structure your thoughts and ideas with a clear intro, body, and conclusion.
Newest Releases
Women's History Month Choice Board | UK English
This interactive choice board empowers students to explore Women’s History in creative and meaningful ways. Each activity encourages independent learning, critical thinking, and artistic expression. Students can choose from a range of tasks, including research, writing, art, and technology, to celebrate and honour the achievements of women throughout history while using Kami tools.
40 Days of Lent Calendar
A 40-day Lent calendar featuring daily reflections, prayers, and acts of kindness to inspire growth and preparation for Easter.
My Picture Glossary
Illustrate words with Add Media or Drawing Tools, and define them using the Dictionary Tool.
Use Split & Merge to join a few of these pages to any resource. Have students use the Understand tool to look up words or terminology that is unfamiliar to them (with the live Dictionary or AI Translate tool) then using the Text Box tool, compile a glossary of these words and their meanings. Finally, use the Select tool to rearrange the words into alphabetical order.
Maths Glossary Template
Explore math terms with the Dictionary Tool and practice pronunciation with Read Aloud.
Use Split & Merge to join a few of these pages to any resource. Have students use the Understand tool to look up words or terminology that is unfamiliar to them (with the live Dictionary or AI Translate tool) then using the Text Box tool, compile a glossary of these words and their meanings. Finally, use the Select tool to rearrange the words into alphabetical order.